Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Book Review: Message from a Hidden Past by Jos Rogiers

Message from a Hidden Past: 
An amazing book, wherein an ancient dwarf sheds a revolutionary new light on our history & future

Edited by: Jos Rogiers
Paperback: 258 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 28, 2012)
Amazon Link

Note: I received a review copy of this book free from Jos Rogiers. The review posted below is based on my personal thoughts while reading the book.

Ratings: ★ ★ ★ 

My thoughts: 

I started and stopped reading this book a number of times and I really could not get into the 'whole' story.

It was appealing at first, the dwarf's way of narrating our, apparently, true human history, answering the questions: what are the first humans like, who are the gods, where they came from, etc. I liked that there were images and maps helping me imagine things narrated in the story. However, past the half of the book, it got too complex for me to really comprehend everything. I just realized one must be that interested in history, geography and science to be able to 'get' those mentioned in the book. Although I love history and geography, I was still overwhelmed by what I was reading and soon, I lost interest in reading further. 

To read other readers' positive reviews, click HERE

About the book:

More than 3,200 years ago, a learned dwarf was pricked with the Sleeping Thorn and fell into a deep slumber in a secret cave somewhere on Earth. When he finally awoke, towards the end of 2009 or in the early part of 2010, he started to carry out the task he was charged with by his king: to reveal the truth about a hidden chapter of our past, that misunderstood period of our history when the so-called “gods” held sway over the world. He wrote an amazing book about this subject, a book that throws a completely new light on world history and human existence: "Message from a Hidden Past." According to the author, the gods were neither supernatural beings nor products of the human imagination, let alone extraterrestrials. He describes them as hominids of flesh and blood, belonging to the further evolved species of Homo supersapiens. They were smarter, taller, and much more beautiful than humans. They were the true founders of civilization. The book explains their origins, describes their culture, and pictures the land in which they lived. Most revealing, it relates how the gods became involved with humans and the disastrous consequences of that fateful interaction. The dwarf recounts the story of a great world war that took place at the end of the Bronze Age and of an epic calamity that finally extinguished the Era of the Gods. Despite their physical destruction, the lore and images of the gods lived on in poetry, song, and myth. The book’s last chapters deal with what remains of them today, and discuss ancient prophecies that foretell their return at an uncertain date in the future.

About the author:

The only things we know about the author of "Message from a Hidden Past" is that he was a learned dwarf who lived at the end of the Bronze Age, that he was the best historian of his generation, and that he was a bachelor. His king sent him on a special mission, of which this book is the result. No more information is available. Even the author’s name remains a secret. 


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